
Showing posts from March, 2018

23A- Your venture's unfair advantage

1. Exclusive technological access V- the cutting edge technology from top companies R- only a few companies (like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman) that I will contract with have this I- strong barriers to entry for other companies N- this resource has no substitute 2. Affordability V- offering this product for a million dollars a month which is nothing for a government R- the defense industry is never ever cheap I- you could copy this price but it would be hard to turn a profit, would have to copy my whole model N- I would plan to beat any competitor price 3. Ease of use V- I will have the contractors maintain the equipment with their trained professionals R- it is rare for companies to provide hassle free services I- very difficult to match the training of the people I will employ N- you cannot substitute good human capital 4. Accessibility V- this product is aimed to support all people and made easy to purchase for developing nations R- the defense industry has very few aspect...

22A Elevator Pitch #3

I tried to improve by simplifying my talking points and presenting it as a need to potential customers. I think this was more effective but definitely still room for improvement.

19A- Idea Napkin #2

1.     I am a current college student that has the dedication and motivation to be a successful entrepreneur. I have not yet had any real entrepreneurial experience but have the skills necessary to hit the ground running. I have a business idea that would require a ton of effort and it would have to become my full time occupation if I were to implement it. 2.     I am offering customers access to radar technology capable of providing everything from missile defense to weather on the seas. These customers are reliant on other nations for this service currently. 3.     My target consumers are people in nations threatened by nuclear missiles from North Korea, or even the Middle East or Russia, but are incapable of defending themselves from that threat without assistance from the United States. These would be developing nations or developed nations that have weak departments of defense. 4.    Customers and governments will pay for...

20A- Growing Your Social Capital

Person #1-  Industry Expert 1.      I chose to reach out to a Lieutenant in Navy ROTC that is a surface warfare Navigator. He has driven ships in the Pacific for around 5 years. 2. This person fills the industry expert slot because they have experience using different radar systems and have interacted with engineers from the companies that manufacture them. 3.  I found this person because he works in the building in which I have multiple classes. It was as simple as dropping by his office. 4.  I just asked generally about how interested Pacific nations would be in having their own advanced missile defense radar systems and the opinions of the Department of Defense on providing the service currently for those nations. He explained how it is always a goal of the military to make regions in which they operate to become self-sufficient and capable of their own defense. The technology in programs like AEGIS used by the Navy is incredibly expensive he warned...

21A- Reading Reflection #2

"How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big" by Scott Adams 1.     This book was a sort of average man's guide to success. It seems like it was designed for college students or struggling middle aged adults. The advice is presented in a way that is almost like creating a game plan for yourself to be able to pull yourself up by your bootstraps in find success in everyday life. What stood out to me was the book argued that being selfish to an extent is a key to getting your life in order. Everything from ensuring you focus on eating proper foods, sleeping right, managing your money wisely, and keeping yourself happy and full of energy. Adams referenced energy multiple times saying that maintaining hobbies that peak your interest will help you develop new skills and have energy to successfully complete your day. 2.      I think this book connected with class in the manner that it describes a daily outlook on life. ENT3003 is all about seeing and se...

17A- Elevator Pitch 2

     I tried to improve on my first elevator pitch by not forcing memorization so much (as was noted in some of the feedback on the previous pitch) and just talking in a more casual way. Hopefully it isn't less successful as a pitch but memorizing facts just seemed awkward in the video, though in a professional setting it would be necessary. Also, my business idea is real complicated so this helped keep it simple.

18A- Create a Customer Avatar

    This avatar represents the west Pacific target consumer for my radar stations. He could be a politician or a regular civilian looking for protection from the threat of WMD's or potentially a member of a trade organization that would use the technology for international trade. This consumer can be of any race and of any walk of life in that region of the world and still find use in my service. I don't have too much in common with this potential consumer besides wanting to be protected from the nuclear threats of North Korea

14A- Halfway Reflection

1.             A behavior that I have developed in order to keep up with this course has definitely being forward thinking and also thinking creatively during the week when I’m not doing assignments. It takes good time management and forward thinking in order to manage the assignments and have time to put effort into your business idea. The creativity is a must for being an entrepreneur and it has to become a habit rather than something you force yourself to do. 2.            I don’t often feel like giving up but I do start to question whether something is worth the effort or not. These are usually days when I’ve got rotc pt in the morning and then multiple exams or projects that day and am just completely wiped by the end of the day. You have to keep your focus on the end goal and not allow struggles in the meantime to destroy your long-term tenacity. 3.       ...

15A- Figuring out Buyer Behavior

Interviews:       In my Interviews I found it difficult to find people who directly fit my target segment but I did gather some good information. I found that for such a large service that I would need to sell to countries as a whole, people found it hard to find buying comparisons to my radar services. Though, they did say that price would not really be a limiting factor in their opinions for public safety. In order for these radar services to be useful they would have to provide more value than the U.S. military already does for those nations. I think I may have solved that issue by including weather services for international shipping in these radar stations. Since this product would be bought by governments or international organizations, the time and place of buying was essentially impossible to ask of these normal people. All three did state that post-buying they would evaluate such a service by how effective it was, which could mean a single flaw would lead t...