30A- Final Reflection

     Looking back at this semester in entrepreneurship and the work that I have done, I see the growth I have made in seeing opportunity in the world. I also think through ideas more quickly and can see if an idea will have any chance at being feasible. The experience that helped me the most was the interview processes. The feedback not only helped to formulate a business plan but led me to find out that something I thought would have a high demand really doesn’t. The interviews made me see that I need to better understand the consumer base in the market I want to target. I probably enjoyed the bug list the most actually. It was cool to see that an issue you can find a solution to is the start to many products. I definitely feel like I have gained a more entrepreneurial mindset and also have a stronger desire to run my own business.
     In order to best foster the mind set of a rising entrepreneur and also be successful in this course, I would recommend to put in a lot of time and effort in the first few weeks while deciding on your main business idea. I felt that I didn’t choose a very good business idea and it was difficult to make the rest of the course useful due to that. If you choose a pretty reasonable idea you will see more growth in the entrepreneurial mindset and also succeed in the course. 



  1. Hey dude, it is definitely important to pick the right idea at the beginning, or at least one we can develop more in detail. You dove into the deep end, lol, straight to North Korean missile defense! That takes a lot of bravery, most of us had simple apps, you were thinking much bigger and carried it along, great job man, it was fun.


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