6A Identifying Opportunities

1)          A major economic trend that will continue to develop over the next few years is a rise in infrastructure spending. Everything from ports to bridges to road systems need updating. This will lead to a high demand for engineers and construction managers, but also for lesser skilled workers. There is an opportunity for prisoners to become unskilled laborers for major infrastructure projects and cheaper than a worker in a union.
B)    This article suggests that over a trillion dollars is necessary to do the work planned by the government on infrastructure. Saving money on this idea will be a main priority so the opportunity I see must exist.
C) A customer for this would be the government looking for a cheaper way to overhaul the deteriorating infrastructure.
D)This would be pretty difficult to exploit because of the construction unions and the deals they often have with contractors for projects. Also, fixing broken infrastructure with unskilled workers is a big risk and would be useful on non-technical projects.

     I saw this opportunity because I just watched The Shawshank Redemption for the hundredth time and was thinking about how prisoners struggle when they get back to the real world. It would be helpful for them to have some money when they get back into society and not resort to crime. Even if they are paid minimum wage or less, it can go a long way.

2)         “Baby Boomers” are a massive generation set to retire soon but many of them lack the funds to do so. Low interest on savings and the stock market decline of the previous decade left them with less money than they anticipated. I see a potential opportunity for almost self-sustaining retirement communities that hire the residents to work at the facilities in the community. It could subsidize their cost of living and make retirement easier. Nurses and professional staff would still need to be younger adults but many positions could be filled by functional retirees seeking help in affording living at their old age.
B)  The article suggests that a quarter of baby boomers have no retirement savings and that over half are dependent solely upon social security benefits.
C) A customer for this would be baby boomers but also an urban planner or real estate developer looking for a unique community to set itself apart.
D) This would be a hard opportunity to exploit unless done right. The argument would be that retirees could simply work anywhere, why is it different to work from their community and why would they want to work if they are retiring that seems counter-intuitive. The answer would be that the state or federal government would have to give subsidies or tax cuts to the real estate developers, or the company in charge of the community, in order to allow the elders living their to do simple jobs for more money than they would make in a normal low level position.

     This opportunity is not that challenging to notice, everyone knows the baby boomers are getting old. The difference is that I have had grandparents on both sides of my family work into very old age because of issues with retirement so I understand this topic well. Being able to get a job in their neighborhood that pays for part of their living would save them a lot of time and money.

3)         Marijuana is becoming legalized rapidly in medical and recreational forms across the country and this regulatory shift is opening the door for private business to take advantage. Selling marijuana and growing it are the two potential businesses most people think of but the science of regulating it is big business as well. There is opportunity for a company to get federally contracted to ensure safe strains of marijuana are used and that legal chemical content is adhered to. Many individual states have already been through this but gathering a group of great chemical engineers to fit the national spectrum would be a big opportunity.
B)    The article discusses the hazards that recreational marijuana poses to businesses, specifically employees showing up to work while high. Regulation and drug testing will become even more important throughout the country.
C)    The federal government and large private corporations would be the target customers for my chemical engineering firm.
D)    This opportunity would be incredibly difficult to exploit. There would be many other companies competing for similar positions and the FDA may want to control marijuana entirely on its own.

     This opportunity may seem like it would have already been filled but many corporations are nervous to dedicate a whole branch or entire business on the hope that weed becomes nationally legal. I have no experience that would lead me to notice this opportunity, I simply believe that one will develop as pressure for legal weed increases.

4)              Money wins wars and nothing can mobilize a nation’s resources like war. With the focus of much of America’s military operations on the Pacific theater, and the long war in the Middle East drawing less attention, there is a new opportunity developing. North Korea, China, and Russia are all countries that Americas has shaky relationships with at the moment. Particularly America has a problem with N. Korea’s antics and missile threats. This may not be a direct regulatory change but it is a change in the direction of our military and that is close to a regulation. I believe there is an opportunity for an internationally contracted company to maintain ICBM tracking radar and missile defense systems on platforms in the Pacific to protect nations such as America, Japan, and South Korea from the threats in the Area.
B)    The article suggests that N. Korea has WMD’s that may not be reliable but still exist and are a danger to many nations.
C)    The UN would be a customer for this and any nations under threat from N. Korea.
D)    This opportunity would be incredibly difficult for me start up right now but is very feasible for a large company like Raytheon with the technology for it. It would give the U.S. a break from being the world police force and allow other countries to share the cost of missile defense.

     This is a commonly known event transpiring in the world but the opportunity here is not so easy to spot. I think that wanting to go into the Navy myself I have a higher interest in military operations and would be more likely to notice a random opportunity in the defense industry like that.


  1. Hi, I like your missile defense system opportunity. I'm glad similar defense system are already put in place in other nations like Israel. I was listening to NPR a few months ago and they brought up how the South Korean people were unsure whether they wanted missile intercepting defense systems installed near their villages around the border with North Korea because it would put a target on their villages and is likely to be bombed first if the North Koreans decide to follow through with their threats.


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